Are You Still There?

I know it may seem as if I have fallen off the face of the earth, but I am, in fact, alive. My time has been consumed by departing for coworker training and adjusting to the lifestyle of a missionary. Why have I not shared this intriguing experience with my beloved readers you may ask. The reason, dear audience, was shoddy internet. But I'm back, ready to inspire you with my amazing life!
I may have pratted on and on that I was spending the next year in Spain, the country of my heart, but this is no longer true. A spat of trouble with my visa has caused me to forgo living in Spain. Instead, I will be working in Jacksonville Florida! No doubt you are in shock, dear reader, but do not worry, so was I. Yet as I continue to process this sudden and unexpected twist of fate, I see the hand of God more and more clearly. The proximity to my home, temperate weather, and apostolate opportunities are ideal for me. oh and THE BEACH!  Anyway, be expecting updates about life in jacksonville, coming in the near future


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